Sometimes, DD adventures can involve mysterious stuff that leaves the players wondering what the hell the mysterious stuff is all about.
Sometimes, too much emphasis is put on things which seem important, but really are not very important to them personally.
Sometimes, a cool monster encounter goes "Phhhiizzle" when the Gerwin makes a brilliant leap of logic and carefully inspects a trivial detail.
Sometimes the players get so wrapped up in the cool artifacts and historic plots that they lose sight of just what the hell they were doing in the first place.
Very simple guys.
1- Rescue or recover the missing Student (and yes, there are TWO missing students).
You found the body of Henry Porter tonight, you found the body of Malfoy just over a week ago.
Problem is.. HOW would your characters possibly know that, given that the only look you ever got of his body was after he was burnt till crispy, badly decomposed, with no hands or feet, in a pile of other re-killed zombies?
That would take a frakking EPIC insight check.
Plus, nobody told you what the students look like to begin with (absent minded wizards)
So, you actually did really well, but you donapos;t know it.
2- Nobody asked you to investigate the plague, as far as they were concerned, it has been so long since that plague that there is no way it could still be dangerous.
We donapos;t know that the mold is dangerous, there are no indications that it is, and the studentapos;s foot prints come and go from the tower, so if it was contagious, he would already have spread it all over the place.
I did tell you guys that there were prints going back and forth from the stairs, many times.
Sometimes, you make brilliant leaps of logic, sometimes you miss the obvious.
I found it frustrating at the start of the adventure, when I look up from describing the tower and the hall and such, using visual aids and nobody is looking.
I found it frustrating that during the game when I was giving details of things, like footprints and such, many of you were reading books, updating character sheets and so on... Waiting for the monster to leap out or something.
Then as these details missed resolve themselves into puzzles.. You get frustrated at me, at the confusion, at the lack of obvious direction, and Iapos;m left shaking my head.
Did anyone think to ask if the missing student had any friends?
Did they know anything about his recent activities?
Did any of the students that gathered at the sealed doorway to smoke pipes have any information for your characters?
But fuck it, lets go kick a door down next week and we can crack skulls (er, not the big scary flameskull wizards), have some laughs and move on.
My lesson has been learned.
You guys did have a few good laughs tonight though, so I count that as a win.
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