���� I stared blankly at my breakfast while poking the pancakes. "Whatapos;s wrong Soo Jin?�You barely touched your food. Are you sick?"�Yunho said, putting his hand on my forehead to see if there was any temperature. "No Iapos;m fine. I just couldnapos;t sleep last night."�As I�stare at the pancakes, out of no where, Junsuapos;s face came up. Thatapos;s when I�snapped. I�banged my hands on the table. "I�canapos;t take this anymore What was up with Junsu???�He said something about our new teacher. Him being......weird and stuff. I�mean, how does he know???�He doesnapos;t even know him that well"�Yunho just stared at me, surprised. "Ah so there was something bothering my little sister."�Yunho waited for me to explain but I�didnapos;t even bother. "Oppa...do you think thereapos;s something weird about my new teacher? I mean, you met him and even talked with him yesterday. So what do you think of him?"�I�asked. He paused for a second choosing the words carefully as he spoke. "Well I�donapos;t think thereapos;s anything weird about him. Except for the fact that heapos;s a college student.....Soo Jin ah, did he tried to�do something unusual to you yesterday after school?"�Yunho asked, protectively. Everything that happened yesterday came to my head. I quickly put a mouthful of pancake in my mouth. "No of course not Why would you say that?"�I�tried my best not to blush. "...I�donapos;t know. But keep an eye on him Soo Jin."�Yunho said, firmly. "Even you too, oppa?"�I said, disappointed. "Hey Iapos;m your big brother and my job is to protect my little sister from any harmsway."�he said proudly. "Yeah....but whatapos;s up with Junsu though?"�I asked, frustratedly. "Well heapos;s your best friend. He cares for you. Wouldnapos;t you do anything if Junsu was in trouble or in danger?"�I�had to pause on that. "Yeah....I guess." I looked to the side. Then Yunho smiled. "Hey I have an idea. Why not go to his house and cheer him up?�Since you donapos;t have school today, why donapos;t you hang out with him?"�I�looked up at him and let out a big sigh in defeat. "Yoochun is coming over today. Him and I are going to play some mind numbing video games" Yunho said with such an enthusiasm that I�couldnapos;t help but laugh a little. "Thanks for breakfast oppa, Iapos;ll see you later."�I�said as I�walked out the door.
~At Junsuapos;s House~
���� Itapos;s been 5 minutes since Iapos;ve been standing in front of his house, hesitating to knock on the door. Isnapos;t this suppose to be other way around?�I mean, Iapos;m ithe one who needs cheering up after what happened yesterday. I�let out a sigh. The things I do for friends.�I was about to knock on the door when suddenly the door just flew open by itself, revealing Junsu. Startled, I�jumped back a bit. Junsu looked at me surprised. "Soo Jin ah...."�I tried to smile. "Annyoung Junsu yah." "When did you get here and for how long?"�he asked. "Ah thatapos;s...not important."�I breath in a deep breath and let them out slowly. "I came here to apologise. You know, for yesterday?"�I looked at the ground. "I know you care about me alot and I really appriciate having a friend like you. Iapos;m sorry I didnapos;t understand that before."�There was a long silence between us. I slowly looked up and saw Junsu looking off to the side, frowning. I bit my lower lips and quickly thought up of something. "Junsu yah�Lets go to the arcade Itapos;s been awhile since I played DDR~" I sang. Still he said nothing. I had to do the ultimate acting. "Pleeeeeeeeeeease Junsu?"�I pleaded as I acted cute and innocent. Soon his frown turn upside down as he let out a small awkward laugh. I grinned in accomplishment. "Come on lets go"
~Junsuapos;s thought~
���� You have no idea how much I�care about you Soo Jin ah. I want you to see me as more than a friend. And yet, you still see me as a good friend......What can I�do to make you see me more than a friend?�Soo Jin...I like you. I donapos;t want that new so called teacher of ours take you away from me. Awwwwwwwwwww why do you have to be so cute when Iapos;m mad?�
~At the Arcade~
���� I�was getting warmed up for the ultimate DDR of my life. "Ready to lose?"�I challenged Junsu. "You wish You should be the one whoapos;s talking."�Junsu challenged back. "Weapos;ll see about that."�I smirked and got on the stand. I�put my coins into the slot and so did�Junsu. For levels, I�picked Heavy, and for Standard I�picked Advanced. Satisfied, I�let Junsu pick the song of his choice. And to my pleasure, he picked the fastest song there ever is. When the game started, Junsu just stared at the screen, wide eyed. Arrows were everywhere at once, moving up fast as a lightening. I enjoyed myself as�I�knew Junsu were losing. In 5 seconds, Junsu had an epic fail in the screen.
���� "Aish�This isnapos;t fair" Junsu said. "Fair?�Who said anything about being fair?�I�proved myself that I wasnapos;t ready to lose to you."�I�stuck out my tongue. "Re..Rematch�I demand a rematch"�Junsu said. This time, we played DDR for a good hour. I�ended up losing because I�was so tired. "Ha�I won"�Junsu exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "Oh whatever. Consider yourself lucky I went easy on you."�"Hey lets go get some ice cream"�Junsu said, ignoring my statement. We both went to an Ice Cream Shop and got ourselves double cone ice cream. Next we decided to go shopping and just look around. When I looked at Junsu, I�saw he was already done with his ice cream cone. "Hey, wanna lick?"�I�offered him my ice cream. Junsu stared blankly at the ice cream. "Fine fine, you could have it. Geez, didnapos;t know you were that thirsty."�I�said in a joklingly manner. Junsu hesitated then took the ice cream. "Th..thanks."�
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